Majora's Mask

ZC: The New way to Practice

What is ZC?

ZC is a little different than the standard GCT Files you may be used to. These Gecko Codes are packed in with the save data file. There is a portion of the save data that is unused but the entire file gets loaded into RAM. This means by placing the codes in with the save data they will be loaded when the game is started. Because the save data is being edited for these codes a new ROM has been made for use with them so that it doesn't interfere with the standard one.

There are two versions of the new ROM that you can get. One is just the vanilla game while the other has changes such as shortened or removed cutscenes, use of unused spawn points, etc. This speeds up the gameplay allowing for more optimized segment practice.

Because these codes are part of the save data the state of the codes are saved with Song of Time. So, for example, if you have the codes enabled then use Song of Time followed by turning the console off. Then the next time you launch the game with codes they will already be turned on. Additionally the Mem Files are stored in the save data as well. This means that even though hard resets or powering off the console your Mem File will be preserved and usable the next time you play the game.

Make sure to check out the User Manual to learn how to use ZC.

Nintendo 64 ROM Disclaimer

You may notice that there is a Nintendo 64 version available for download. This is strictly just a patch to create the modified ROM which then can be used with an Emulator like Project64 or a Flashcart on the Nintendo 64. The custom Save Data and Gecko Codes are not for Nintendo 64 as they will only work on the Nintendo Wii. This means that Nintendo 64 only has the shortened cutscenes available to it and no codes.


Wii VC Requirements

Nintendo Wii Console
The Homebrew Channel
WAD Manager
Majora's Mask WAD (USA)
SD Card


Save Data:

Installation Guide

Nintendo 64

Patching the ROM

Open the Patcher
Browse to and Select the Majora's Mask ROM*
Browse to and Select the ZeldaCodes Patch
Select Apply Patch
Save the new ROM
* Use the appropriate ROM for the version you would like.
USA or Japan Rev A

Wii Virtual Console

Patching the WAD

Open the Patcher
Browse to and Select the Majora's Mask WAD (USA)*
Browse to and Select the ZeldaCodes Patch
Select Apply Patch
Save the new WAD
* Always use the USA WAD, even if you want the Japanese Version.

Where to put files on the SD Card

SD:\private\wii\title\<channel ID>\data.bin*
* Channel ID:
NZCJ = Japan
All three of these file are Required.

Installing the Channel & Save Data on the Wii

Launch the Homebrew Channel
Load WAD Manager
Install the WAD
Return to the Wii System Menu
Select Wii Options
Select Data Management
Select Save Data
Select Wii
Select the SD Card Tab
Select the Custom ZeldaCodes save data
Select Copy

Launching ZC with Gecko Codes

Launch the Homebrew Channel
Load Gecko OS
Select Launch Channel
Select ZC-? (??)
?, ?? = u, US (USA)
?, ?? = j, JP (Japan)
Note that it does not matter if it says "No SD Codes found". The codes from the save data will still be active if everything was installed properly.

Updating the WAD

Download the latest ZC Patch
Patch the WAD
Place the new WAD on the SD Card
Install the WAD with WAD Manager
Do not delete the old WAD first, simply install the new one over top of it.
If you delete the old WAD first then install the new one you will also need to re-install the custom save data.

Updating the Gecko Codes

Download the latest ZC Save Data
Place the new Save Data on the SD Card
Select Wii Options
Select Data Management
Select Save Data
Select Wii
Select the Custom ZeldaCodes Save Data
Select Erase
Select the SD Card Tab
Select the Custom ZeldaCodes Save Data
Select Copy